TomTom Traffic Index: Pune Among Top-10 Most Congested Cities Globally, Bengaluru Sees Decline

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Pune, 3rd February 2024: The latest TomTom Traffic Index report reveals a notable shift in Bengaluru’s ranking for traffic congestion, moving from the second position in 2022 to the sixth spot in 2023. This decline is attributed to a reduction in the city’s overall congestion level, reflecting positively on the average travel time for a 10km drive within the city.

In 2022, the average travel time for a 10km drive in Bengaluru stood at approximately 30 minutes, and the city has shown improvement, reducing this figure to 28 minutes in 2023. This development aligns with efforts to address and alleviate traffic-related challenges in the metropolitan area.

Globally, London retains its status as the ‘Most Congested City,’ registering a travel time of 37 minutes and 20 seconds to cover a distance of 10 km. Another Indian city, Pune, also features in the top-10 list of the world’s most congested cities. According to the TomTom Traffic Index, Pune witnessed an average travel time of 27 minutes and 50 seconds for a 10 km distance in the previous year, marking a slight increase of 30 seconds from 2022.

New Delhi occupies the 44th position globally in terms of congestion, with an average travel time of 21 minutes and 40 seconds required to cover a 10 km distance. Mumbai closely follows, securing the 54th position, with an average travel time of 21 minutes and 20 seconds in 2023.

To compile this ranking, TomTom Traffic considered 387 cities across 55 countries, analyzing average travel times for various types of vehicles, including petrol, diesel, and electric vehicles. The comprehensive analysis provides insights into global traffic efficiency, allowing cities to benchmark their congestion levels against international standards.

The list of the world’s most congested cities in 2023, as per the TomTom Traffic Index, includes
1. London
2. Dublin
3. Toronto
4. Milan
5. Lima
6. Bengaluru
7. Pune
8. Bucharest
9. Manila
10. Brussels