Torrent Power-MSEDCL officials share knowledge about best technologies

MSEDCL Torrent Power meeting
Mumbai, 06 October 2018: A knowledge sharing program was organized at the Prakashgad, headquarters of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) to know about the best and the latest technology of MSEDCL and Torrent Power which has distribution franchisee agreement with MSEDCL for Bhiwandi circle.
The program is presided over by MSEDCL’s executive director Dineshchandra Sabu, as the chief guest, executive director Chandrashekhar Yerme, vice president of Torrent Power Jagdish Chellaramani. In this program, both companies shared modern technology and information about various measures for customer service.
The program was attended by MSEDCL’s Shrikant Jaltere, Prasad Rashme, Yogesh Gadkari, Ankush Nale, Shivaji Indulkar, Bharat Jadkar and other senior officials of both the companies.
The erstwhile Maharashtra State Electricity Board was looking after Generation, Transmission & Distribution of Electricity in the State of Maharashtra barring Mumbai. But after the enactment of Electricity Act 2003, MSEB was restructured into 4 Companies viz. MSEB Holding Co. Ltd., Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. (Mahavitaran), Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd. (Mahagenco) and Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd. (Mahatransco) on 6th June 2005. Mahavitaran distributes electricity to consumers across the State except Mumbai.
Torrent Power is one of the leading brands in the Indian power sector, promoted by the Rs. 17000 Crore + (USD 2.78 billion) Torrent Group – committed to its mission of transforming life by serving two of the most critical needs – healthcare and power. It is an integrated power utility and is one of the largest private sector players in India having interests in power generation, transmission, distribution and manufacturing and supply of power cables.
The Company distributes power to over 3 million customers annually in its distribution areas of Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Surat and Dahej SEZ (Gujarat), in Bhiwandi (Maharashtra) and in Agra (Uttar Pradesh). The T&D loss in license areas of the Company is amongst the lowest in the country. The Company offers highly personalized and innovative customer services that incorporate various convenience features.