Villages In Pune District To Become Garbage Free By Year End: Ayush Prasad

Villages In Pune District To Become Garbage Free By Year End: Ayush Prasad
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Pune, 2 October 2021: As Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Swachha Bharat Mission phase 2.0, Pune district is already ready with the plan to develop Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) Detailed Project Reports (DPRs).


The report made by UNICEF after conducting the field visits also has engaged various agencies along with the contractual engineers to carry out the mission. Among 1,139 plans made, 927 plans have already received technical sanctions while 148 villages have received funds out of which about 74 villages have started the implementation of the DPRs.


Pune Zilla Parishad CEO Ayush Prasad told, “A lot of work is being put in Pune for ensuring solid waste management as per the municipal solid waste management rules of 2016. We are working towards ensuring garbage-free villages by the end of this year. The government has provided a huge sum of money under the 15th finance commission and grants. Villagers are making proper plans as guided by engineers. Steps taken by the Pune district administration has been appreciated for their speed and technical soundness. We are committed to ensuring transparency in this process such that good programmes can be developed and litter free and garbage-free villages can be ensured.”


Purpose of the field visit
The purpose of the field visit was to understand the process of SLWM DPR preparation and to understand the role and contribution of the contractual Engineer.


It was noticed during the visit that the approach of engaging contractual engineers proved to be useful from a time management angle as they prepared the plans in record time. Similarly, it helped in making the SLWM plans with several technical options.


Likewise, along with the engineers, the Gram Panchayat members and frontline workers would be engaged by giving proper orientation.

Village wise field observations

Sasewdi, Taluka Bhor
Having a natural slope, Sasewadi village has developed a closed drain network leading to a stabilization pond for liquid waste management and soak pits for scattered households. For solid waste management, two different colour dustbins and plastic bags for the plastic collection were distributed, hanging community dustbins were installed/put at common places, common collection points are designated, waste Vermicompost pits are built for processing of degradable waste, and plastic waste is sold to oil making company in the nearby MIDC. Community mobilization and their engagement in the overall development of the plan were not as per the expectations.


While at Velu Village Compost pits for Solid waste management and a water stabilization pond for liquid waste management are proposed. The village receives revenue from the MIDC and has also planned to approach the private donors for purchasing the plastic shredding and processing machines. The Gram Panchayat members and the village level front line workers were part of the DPR development process and the community was not involved as expected.


Likewise, at Bhivri Village taluka-Haveli as per the district instructions and approach, only solid waste management work is taken up and accordingly, DPRs were prepared considering solid waste management component while liquid waste management will be taken later.


Bhavrapur village, Taluka-Haveli
The DPR of the village has received technical and administrative sanctions and has started executing the plan. Here too Liquid waste management will be taken up later.