Will win ‘war against Coronavirus’, doctors, nurses are soldiers : Udhav Thackeray

CM Thackeray press conference Epidemic Act.
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Mumbai, Mar 19, 2020: Fight against coronavirus is a global war and with people cooperating with the state we have contained this pandemic as yet. But we will overcome this danger if Maharashtra makes utmost efforts. I have talked today with the Prime Minister and Union Health Minister in this regard and they assured all the cooperation to our state.

This was stated by Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray in a live telecast on social media. He urged people not to get panicky and store essential commodities, food grains, and medicines.

Avoid crowd totally

The Chief Minister asked the people to strictly follow the instruction given by the administration. Though the crowd at religious places was reduced it is not completely avoided. We must avoid crowd totally, he said. We have taken a decision to reduce the number of employees at government, private offices. Don’t venture outside when it is not needed. Follow ‘work from home’ wherever possible and follow the instructions strictly.

The precautionary measures we are taking are satisfactory but the virus is inching ahead step by step forcing us to be more careful and vigilant. People are managing the systems and we should not overburden them.

Home quarantine persons should not roam

All patients have been infected from outside. They are all our people, relatives. But they should come hereafter taking all the care. Home quarantine patients are stamped on their hands. They should remain confined to isolation and do not travel concealing information about your foreign travel.

This is a war against the virus

War has to be fought with determination and won. Many have witnessed and experienced the 1965 and 1971 wars. The experience of war is never good. The post-war situation is not better either. Soldiers fight for the country, sacrifice their lives. The way we are fighting with coronavirus, I am reminded of the 1971 war. Today we are fighting a war against the virus. The war has begun.

Doctors, nurses are our soldiers. Bus drivers, NGOs are working day and night for this. Can we not cooperate with them by remaining at home?

Calamity does not strike looking at caste, religion, and creed. When we unitedly fight this calamity would not harm us, cannot. This virus was first found in China but now China has taken strict measures and is coming out of this attack. We also have to come out. For that, cooperate. I am confident that we will overcome this calamity, the Chief Minister said.