Women’s Health Issues in India a Major Concern: discuss doctors in a three-day conference organised by Fogsi- Figo
Pune, 24 June 2016: The Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) inaugurated three day conference in Pune, today on “Best Practices, Breakthroughs & Current Dilemmas in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OBGYC).
Speaking on the occasion, Chairperson, FIGO, Dr. C N Purandare said, “There are many issues which go unnoticed like Labour, C- Section, Nutrients, Anemia, Obesity, Diabetes etc. To overcome the issue, World Health Organisation (WHO) in association with FIGO has made some great recommendation for current practices. In the last 5 years, hospital delivery has increased from 40 % to 80%. Despite this, maternal mortality rate is 139 pars 100,000 in India. 17% of pregnant women are suffering from obesity and diabetes, carriy the risk of transfering this diseases to baby.”
Another point that this conference highlighted was is to address cruial issues like female foeticide and unsafe abortion. “The Indian government has banned abortion in 70’s, in spite of this vice of abortion is still prevalent across the country,” said Dr. Purandare.‘ beisdes abortion, several deaths occur due to cervic cancer in India,. This conference will focus on awareness of vaccination, Antivirus Injections and family planning.’
Dr Charuchandra Joshi, President POGS further added, “This conference will throw light onthe best practices, new inventions and answers to dilemmas the doctors face everyday. This kind of platform will go a long way to improve the quality of health care of Indian women. WithGynecologists from all parts of the country and abroad are here, there will be exchange of ideas and experiences, which are vital for any doctor.
With over 300 experts addressing 1200 delegates, this conference will include ample interactive and healthy discussions. The program will also bring out various new options and new methods of treatment to benefit the patients.
The conference will also aknowledge several recent advances. Dr Alka Kriplani, President Fogsi further said“ There have been several recent advances in the management of infertilty, cancer, safe motherhood, neonatal care and many more. Maternal mortality and perinatal mortality has shown significant reduction due to good quality antenatal care, hospital deliveries and effective referral of high-risk cases. It is difficult to give exact statistics, as it changes from place to place. Emerging trends are in the field of endoscopic surgery. Key whole surgery has made surgery simpler and recovery faster”.
Dr. Bharati Dholepatil Gynecologist/Obstetrician and renowned fertility specialistalso stressed, “Maternal mortality and obesity while pregnancy are two major challenges for the practitioner. Post Part Hameorrage (PPH) that is bleeding after delivery makes situation very critical and leads maternal mortalty. While hypoglycema, obesity are seen among 35% of pregnant women and leads to unhealthy baby. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) is also big problem with Indian patients.”
“To overcome these challenges, we held a special session for gynecologist to sharpen their skills for safe delivery. Through this conference, we have recommended Pre-Natal Conception guidelines that we have prepared exclusively for patients and doctors, to help them before and after pregnancy. Every woman’s health is priorty and we have organized lecture on AUB for women and doctors. Healthy women can lead to healthy nation,” added Dr. Dhorepatil
Dr Hema Divakar, Fogsi Ambassador to Figo.”There are more than 75000 women die every single year due to cervical cancer compare to only 300 women die per year in the west.This is because our women are diagnosed in advance stages where we cannot save lives. Since the screening program in the early detection is not efficent in our country the best opstion is to vaccinate all women between 9-45 years to decrease the burden of cancer cervice in genartion next.”
“Every women who deliver in the hospital should be disharged with an advise for contracepions for spacing her next child or limiting the family size. One important save method is PPIUCD (Post placental intra uterine contraceptil device) which can be placed soon after dilvery. The usage of this method by the government program is only 3-5% but with Fogsi intitaive it has gone up to 24%.” added Dr. Divakar.
The press conference was addressed by Dr. C N Purandare, Organizing chairperson of the conference and President FIGO, Prof. Dr Alka Kriplani, President Fogsi, Dr Charuchandra Joshi, President POGS and Dr Bharati Dhorepatil, Vice President, Fogsi, Dr Hema Divakar, Fogsi Ambassador to Figo.