YouTube Implements Measures to Counter Spam on Shorts by Disabling Links

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Pune, 11th August 2023′ In response to the surging concern of spam infiltrating its short-form video platform, YouTube Shorts, the company has unveiled a strategic response. Effective August 31st, YouTube will enforce a sweeping alteration, prohibiting clickable links from appearing within comments sections, video descriptions, and the vertical live feed of Shorts. The objective behind this move is to counteract the activities of scammers and spammers, who exploit links to deceive users and propagate fraudulent schemes.

This proactive decision is aimed at mitigating potential hazards stemming from deceptive links, which could expose users to detrimental content like malware, phishing endeavors, and other forms of online fraud. Despite YouTube’s existing mechanisms and policies designed to detect and eliminate spam-ridden links, the platform is opting for a more comprehensive approach by entirely disabling such links. It’s important to note that this change will be introduced gradually, meaning not all links will be deactivated immediately on August 31st.

In addition to the discontinuation of clickable links, YouTube is also taking steps to remove clickable social media icons from desktop channel banners. These icons have often been exploited by scammers to manipulate users through misleading links.

Acknowledging the legitimate needs of content creators, who frequently require links for purposes like endorsing products and brands to their audience, YouTube is introducing alternative solutions to facilitate safe link-sharing. Commencing from August 23rd, both mobile and desktop users of YouTube will notice prominently placed clickable links adjacent to creators’ channel profiles, positioned in close proximity to the ‘Subscribe’ button. This designated space enables creators to share links to websites, other social profiles, merchandise platforms, and other links that adhere to YouTube’s Community Guidelines.

Furthermore, creators who seek to direct viewers to their longer video content using links will still retain this ability. YouTube is slated to introduce a safer mechanism for these creators to guide Shorts viewers toward their other YouTube content by the conclusion of September.

These measures come as an extension of YouTube’s ongoing commitment to battling spam across its platform. The company has continuously refined its systems to detect impersonation channels, resulting in a notable increase of over 35% in removals and terminations related to impersonation from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023.