10 Travel Essentials For A Trip To Desert Safari in Dubai

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Desert Safaris are a great way to explore the desert and get a taste of the true Arabian experience. When packing for a trip to the desert, there are a few essential items you will need to bring along to make the most of your experience. Here are 10 travel essentials for a trip to Desert Safari:


When packing for a trip to the desert, be sure to pack loose, comfortable clothing. Lightweight, breathable fabrics are ideal for the hot, dry desert climate.

Cotton is a good choice for shirts and pants, while linen is a great option for dresses and skirts. Avoid dark colors, as they will absorb heat and make you feel even hotter. Instead, opt for light colors that will reflect the sun’s rays.


A good pair of walking shoes is a must when exploring the desert. closed-toe shoes are a must to protect your feet from the hot sand and any sharp rocks or debris you may encounter. As there are variety of things to do in Dubai, you must carry 2 extra pairs of shoes with you.

Be sure to pack a pair of socks as well, to help keep your feet cool and dry. If you’re planning on doing any hiking, be sure to pack a pair of comfortable, supportive hiking boots.


When exploring the desert, it is essential to stay hydrated. Be sure to pack plenty of water, and consider bringing along a water filter or purifier if you’re unsure of the quality of the water in the area.

It’s also a good idea to pack some sports drinks or electrolyte powder to help replace any lost fluids.

Sun Protection

The desert sun can be incredibly harsh, so it’s important to pack adequate sun protection. A wide-brimmed hat is a must to protect your face and neck from the sun’s rays.

Be sure to pack plenty of sunscreen, and consider bringing along a long-sleeved shirt or pants to help protect your skin from the sun.

First Aid Kit

It’s always a good idea to pack a first aid kit when traveling, and this is especially true when doing Overnight Desert Safari in Dubai

Be sure to include items such as bandages, antiseptic cream, pain relievers, and sting relief in your kit. It’s also a good idea to pack supplies for treating blisters and snake bites.

Map and compass

If you’re planning on doing any hiking or exploring in the desert, be sure to pack a map and compass. The desert can be a maze of canyons and sand dunes, so it’s easy to get lost.

A GPS system can also be helpful, but be sure to bring extra batteries as they can drain quickly in the desert heat.


Binoculars are a great way to get a closer look at the amazing wildlife in the desert. If you’re interested in birdwatching, consider bringing along a pair of binoculars.

They can also be helpful for spotting distant landmarks or getting a better view of the sunset.


A flashlight is a must-have item when visiting the desert, as the nights can be very dark. Be sure to pack a flashlight with extra batteries, as they can drain quickly in the desert heat.

It’s also a good idea to bring along a headlamp, which can be helpful for hands-free lighting when hiking or exploring in the dark.


When packing food for a trip to the desert, it’s important to choose items that won’t spoil in the heat. Non-perishable snacks such as granola bars, trail mix, and dried fruit are great choices.

It’s also a good idea to pack some easy-to-prepare meals such as instant noodles or oatmeal. Be sure to pack plenty of water as well, as you will need to stay hydrated in the desert heat.

Extra Supplies

There are a few extra supplies you may want to bring along on your trip to the desert. A small shovel can be helpful for digging your car out if you get stuck in the sand.

A pair of pliers can also be useful for removing cactus needles from your skin. And, if you’re planning on doing any hiking, a small first aid kit is a good idea to have in case of any minor injuries.


When exploring the desert, it is important to be prepared for the extreme heat and dry conditions.

A map and compass are also a good idea if you’re planning on doing any hiking or exploring. And, don’t forget to pack a first aid kit in case of any minor injuries.