7 Steps to Deal With Climate Change

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Delhi, December 2021: The festive season is over and we all can witness the change in weather after Diwali. As per the news, it is being said that Delhi’s air is risky to breathe in after the festivities. The same thing repeats every year in November and December. But, the question is, How are we going to combat this climate change and air pollution?


Everyone can have a role in limiting climate change by staying at home and playing a few poker hands online to make money or finding other ways to be productive without traveling. We can make a difference in everything we do, from how we travel to how much power we use, what we eat, and what we do for fun such as playing online teen Patti games. Start by doing these ten steps to address the dangerous climate change.

  • Conserve Energy


Coal, oil, and gas provide a significant portion of our electricity and heat. Reduce your energy usage by lowering your thermostat, adapting the usage of LED light bulbs and energy-efficient electrical products, washing your clothes in cold water, and hanging clothes to dry in the natural sunlight rather than using the dryer. Trying to optimize your electricity usage to the minimum will help in conserving the energy from your homes. As it is rightly said, charity begins at home.

  • Use cycle or public transportation, walk wherever possible


The world’s highways are crowded with automobiles, the majority of which burn diesel or gasoline. Instead of driving, you may minimize greenhouse gas emissions and improve your health by walking or using a cycle to cover any shorter distance. Consider using the train or bus for longer distances as a means of transport. Also, wherever feasible, carpool. This will reduce the number of cars being run on the roads and hence reduce pollution. 

  • Increase your veggie consumption.


You can reduce your environmental impact by eating real food, fruits, nutritious grains, lentils, nuts and seeds, and less meat and milk. Plant-based foods produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions and need less energy, land, and water to produce. Hence, increasing the vegetable consumption in your diet will help you remain fit. This way you can build up your immune system to fight against climate change.

  • Travel only if necessary.


Traveling by Air increases the usage of fossil fuels resulting in a lot of greenhouse gases emissions. As a result, taking lesser flies is one of the quickest ways to lessen your carbon footprint. When possible, meet digitally, use the train, or avoid long-distance travel entirely.

  • Ensure that less food goes into wastage.


Throwing food away wastes the resources and energy that went into growing, producing, packaging, and transporting it. Food also creates methane, a potent greenhouse gas, as it rots in a landfill. As a result, utilize what you purchase and compost the rest. This will help in keeping the environment clean and will help you combat air pollution.

  • Reduce, reuse, repair, and recycle as much as possible.


From the mining of raw materials through manufacturing and delivering things to market, the electronics, clothing, and other commodities we buy emit carbon dioxide. Buy fewer goods, shop secondhand, fix what you can, and recycle to save the environment. Therefore, if the environment is clean, the air will also be fresh and less polluted.

  • Try to work from home if possible.


After the pandemic, many companies have enabled the work-from-home opportunity for their employees. People have figured out various alternative ways of income during that time such as by playing real  cash games. So, if possible, you can try avoiding travel which will reduce the usage of cars and hence diesel and petrol. 


Summing up

Hence, keeping the environment clean is everyone’s responsibility and we can do our bit by at least contributing to these steps. How do you plan to combat climate change? Let us know.