Central Railway Earns Rs.225 Crore from Disposal of Scrap
Pune, 8 February 2021: The Material Management department of Central Railway launched “Zero Scrap Mission” to ensure each Division, Workshop and Shed in Central Railway is free from scrap materials. During the current year i.e. from April-20 to January-21 Central Railway sold the scrap worth Rs. 224.96 Crore. These scrap materials include scrap rails, permanent-way materials, condemned coaches, wagons and locomotives etc.
The Zero Scrap Mission drive not only generates revenue for Indian Railways but also results in space augmentation. During the financial year 2019-20 Central Railway has sold scrap worth Rs 321.46 Crore by mobilizing 56057.15 MTs of scrap rails, permanent-way materials etc.
The Material Management Department played a vital role in ensuring availability of spares and consumables required for operations and maintenance of loco holdings for freight and parcel trains, transporting essential goods across the country during Covid-19 pandemic. It was also instrumental in purchasing the critical items by floating tenders within a short duration like PPE kits, N-95 masks, gloves, sanitizers etc which are crucial for preventing infection to our frontline staff