COVID-19 : Maharashtra Cyber Police Warns of Action Against Fake News and Rumors

Cyber Cell Maharashtra Police
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Mumbai, 17th March 2020 : It has been noticed that certain malicious elements are spreading fake news and vicious rumors regarding the COVID-19 pandemic on online communication channels, internet, social media and various messaging platforms to cause panic, commit crime and disturb the public order in the state. In the time of such an epidemic, it is the duty of every citizens / Institutions / organizations to stay informed and be responsible with what they share on media.

The Maharashtra cyber department is advising that, no person / Institution / organization will use any print or electronic or social media for dissemination of any information regarding COVID-19 without ascertaining the facts and prior clearance of the Commissioner Health Services, Director of Health Services (DHS I & II), Director Medical Education & Research (DMER), or Collector as the case may be. This is necessary to avoid spread of any unauthenticated information and /or rumors regarding COVID-19.

As per the notification of Government of Maharashtra, Public Health Department dated 14th March 2020, “The Maharashtra COVID-19 Regulations 2020” has been released. This advisory is in lines to the The Maharashtra COVID-19 Regulations 2020 and any person / Institution / organization is found indulging in such activity, they will be held responsible and necessary action will be taken under Section 3 of THE EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897 “Any person disobeying any regulation or order made under this Act shall be deemed to have committed an offence punishable under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code ,1860 “

In light of the global pandemic, we urge the citizens to rely on official sources for all the information related to the COVID-19 for reliable and updated information. Official websites is given by Ministry of Health, Government of India provides detailed information on the do’s and don’ts related to the virus, travel advisories, safety measures, quarantine guidelines, and other useful information.

· World Health Organization

The official website of the World Health Organization hosts all the global updates related to the disease.

We request everyone to follow the guidelines described on the above websites to stay safe of the corona virus pandemic.