Feeding India by Zomato partners with Maharashtra Govt. and UdyogYantra to pilot AI-enabled device for nutrition management in schools
Maharashtra, 23rd February 2023:Feeding India by Zomato, in collaboration with the Government of Maharashtra and UdyogYantra, has successfully tested an AI-enabled device to monitor the quality and compliance of meals served to children at Todsa, a Government Ashram School for tribal children in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra. This pilot program is part of a new collaborative effort by the District Administration to use the latest technological innovations in Artificial Intelligence for nutrition management. The device allows for precise tracking of the nutritional value and temperature of meals, compliance with pre-defined menus set by the District Administration, and regular tracking of student BMI. Monthly BMI checks help predict nutritional and health trends, raising alarms for anomalies and empowering the District Administration and Feeding India team to create targeted health intervention plans.
Facial recognition technology eliminates the possibility of fake attendance and proxy enrollment of students and helps prevent pilferage across the value chain in the implementation of government support schemes. Feeding India, at the request of the District Administration, has made available a malt-based nutritious supplement to quickly improve the nutrition level of the children. Vishal Kumar, CEO and President of Feeding India, said that the result of this pilot has been very encouraging and both the district administration and children have echoed a stark improvement in the quantity and quality of daily meals being serviced. The school has been selected to comprehensively test the targeted smart solution in extreme situations and geography, with the goal of incorporating learnings for rapid scale-up. This initiative is making a real difference in the lives of the most vulnerable among us, and it’s a true honor to be a part of this meaningful work.