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Neil John

It’s a logic that defies the very concept of nature,

A miracle that raises the human to a god in stature.

Not because he wears the elephant as a face,

But because the impossible was achieved through divine grace.

Carved through sweat to save a desperate mother’s child,

They sought refuge in the most majestic beast in the wild.

Perfect surgery, ensuring the resurrection of life and trust,

We can be a nonbeliever, an atheist or an agnostic, but respect the idea, we must.

Of faith and bondings that define human emotions in a single page,

Woes, tragedy, hope, faith, skill, a fathers rage.

Ganpati Bappa Morya we shout in joy and worship the magical thought.

Adorned in his best, we bring him home, a battle against all disbelief, well

Modaks, flowers, sweets and chanting the hymn to him in praise,

Seeking blessings, good health and fortune we our earthly stature raise.

But remember folks as you immerse the revered idol into the waters, the seas and the lake,

He was born through a miracle of nature, YOU OWE IT BACK, be conscious for gods sake.

Idols lying around undissolved and strewn In disrespect, making even the Ganesha cry in despair,

Jago mere bhaiyon, wake up from the long slumber of neglect, this anguish you are duty bound and responsible to repair.

Ganpati Bappa, I am sure will open up the heavens to bestow upon you his grace,

But he can only help you if you preserve his idea, of equality, in caste, creed, colour and race.

neil john