Inauguration of One Week Faculty Development Program on Cyber Security at JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering Tathawade, Pune
24 Aug 2019, Pune : Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of things (IOT) are going to cause huge implications in the field of technology within next fifteen years. Internet is entering into each and every part of human life which increases chances of cyber-crimes. Thus, it is important to be very cautious about the use of technology during this technological era. A teacher should become a cyber ambassador so that he can make people aware about the threats and cyber security. Cyber security personal are asking teachers to perform this role.
Keeping need of cyber security awareness in mind JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering Tathawade, Pune has organized a one week faculty development program on cyber security under the scheme Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching by, MHRD, government of India in association with Shivaji University Kolhapur. Duration of this FDP is from 19/08/2019 to 24/08/2019 in which various experts from cyber security domain are going to provide hands on guidance to the participants. The workshop was inaugurated in the presence of chief guest, Mr. Vivek V. Muglikar, Senior Police Inspector, Crime branch, Pimpri Chinchwad Police Commissioner and Mrs. Pradnya Pophalikar, Information and Cyber Security Consultant and Penetration Tester. In his inaugural speech, Mr. Vivek V. Muglikar emphasized on the importance of cyber security by giving practical examples which he came across during his tenure of the service. He focused on different types of crimes in cyber field, need of cyber security and its importance. He proved the presence of crime in society by giving some examples.
Dr.P.P.Vitkar, Director RSCOE expressed his happiness to have a trending technology workshop first time in RSCOE which would update the knowledge of faculty members. Dr.R.K.Jain , Principal RSCOE motivated the faculty to get acquainted to new technology and its application for the benefit of faculty. Dr.B.D.Jadhav gave the brief overview and contents of the workshop the need to have such workshop. Mrs. Pradnya Pophalikar, Resource person gave the overview of cyber security, shared her experience as a cyber security consultant. She focused on different threats and importance of cyber security with the increasing technology.
More than 80 participants have registered for this program. Dr. P.M.Ghate is going to act as convener for this whole program. Mr. Ravi Sawant sir, Prof. Sudhir Bhilare, & Prof.A.S.Devsthali gave support for the successful conduction of the program. Dr. Tanaji Sawant sir has given valuable guidance and motivation for this function. The anchoring of inaugural program & vote of thanks were done by Mrs.V.S.Kulkarni.