India: Coders Hacking CoWin App To Book COVID Vaccine Slots Unethically

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New Delhi, 3rd June 2021: Tech-savvy Indians are hacking Coronavirus disease (COVID19) vaccine registration app CoWin to get an appointment.

With the second wave of Covid-19 wreaking the entire country, getting the vaccine is the only sustainable way to mitigate the ongoing crisis. But to register for the current phase of vaccination has become quite a tedious and challenging task. Many young tech-savvies are now developing codes and are hacking the CoWin app.

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Some coders have created a system through messaging applications like Telegram, to automatically book available slots using unethical ways. They are taking advantage of the loophole available within the App to book slots for themselves and others to get the vaccine early.

However, the central government introduced a captcha to avoid the automated booking of vaccines. But the coders even managed to book slots of other users by surpassing the captcha. Cyber experts are suggesting that they are booking slots unethically due to certain loopholes in the site, and these loopholes need to be plugged.

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