Indian Air Force Scrambles Its Warhorses In COVID19 Relief Work For Transporting Oxygen
Pune/New Delhi, 24 April 2021: One C-17 of the Indian Air Force got airborne at 2 am on 24th Apr 21 from Hindan Air Base for Changi International Airport, Singapore. The aircraft arrived in Singapore at 7.45 am. After loading 4 empty cryogenic oxygen containers, it has departed Singapore and is enroute to Panagarh air base for offloading of these containers.
Another C-17 of the Indian Air Force was airborne from Hindon airbase at 8 am for Pune airbase. The aircraft arrived at Pune at 10:00 am. The jet was loaded with 2 empty cryogenic oxygen container trucks which were then flown to Jamnagar air base. The same C17 aircraft is currently on its second shuttle from Pune to Jamnagar, with a load of 2 more empty containers.
One C17 transported two empty containers from Jodhpur to Jamnagar earlier in the day today.
One IAF Chinook helicopter and one AN32 transport aircraft took COVID testing equipment from Jammu to Leh and from Jammu to Kargil, respectively. The equipment consisted of Bio Safety cabinets, centrifuges and stabalisers. These machines have been made by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and now given to UT of Ladakh to enhance testing.
As the nation takes big strides in its fight to contain and defeat the contagion, IAF reaffirms its commitment to meet all emerging needs in a professional manner.