Indian Railways now running 65% of Mail Express Trains
New Delhi, 25 January 2021: Inspite of Covid challenges Indian Railways is now running total 1138 Mail/Express including Festival Express trains per day in different Zones of Indian Railways. All important destinations across the country are connected by these special trains. Need for running of more trains is being constantly reviewed.
In pre-covid times, Indian Railways was running average 1768 Mail/Express trains per day.
It is noteworthy that total 115 pairs of Mail/Express train have been approved so far in month of January 2021.
In addition, currently Indian Railways is operating total 4807 Suburban Train Services per day in different Zones of Indian Railways. In pre-covid period, average 5881 Suburban Train services was operational.
Apart from this total 196 passenger train services is also operational in Indian Railways. In precovid times average 3634 passenger train services was operational across the country.