Institute for Prostate Cancer to conduct a free consultation camp from June 13 to June 22.

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Backache?? Rule out Prostate Cancer

Pune- June 1, 2016: 

Prostate cancer is rising in India as per Indian national cancer registry and is the most common cancer affecting males after the age of 50 yrs. It is the second leading cause of death in males worldwide. It’s said that every 6th male is affected by prostate cancer.

 There is good awareness about prostate cancer in the developing world leading to acceptance of standard screening practices (digital rectal examination and PSA). However in India there is lack of awareness about prostate cancer. This leads to almost 60% patients presenting with advanced stage to the doctor.

 We at the Institute for Prostate Cancer are trying to break this trend by creating awareness about prostate cancer and screening practices since last 3 years. The Institute has conducted more than 100 camps and covering a population of more than 20,000

In the initial stages of prostate cancer there are no or minimum symptoms like frequency of urination ,waking up multiple times at night, straining to pass urine, sense of incomplete emptying. However in advanced stages this cancer spreads to bones leading to persistent back ache bone pains and loss of appetite with risk of fracture and paralysis. Hence it is advisable to do regular screening with DRE and PSA and not to neglect any kind of back pain especially after 50 years of age.

If the results of screening tests show abnormality, biopsy is essential for diagnosis. This biopsy is simple day care procedure which is done through rectum with the help of ultrasound machine.

Ideally biopsy should be done by a trained urologist under TRUS(Trans rectal ultrasound) guidance. Minimum 12-14 cores of tissue should be sampled through various areas of prostate in a systematic way. We at IPC follow this standard biopsy protocol with minimum complication rate in the city.

Now a day’s MRI is used for accurate localization of suspicious areas for biopsy which increases the sensitivity of the correct diagnosis.

Prostate cancer can be completely cured if diagnosed early. Hence do not neglect any back ache especially after the age of 50 yrs.

 DATE: June 13 to 22, 2016

 Contact Number for appointments and queries: 07798577563.020-66037777/78