Maharashtra: Classes Of Standard VIII To XII Will Start In Covid19 Free Areas

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Pune, 5th July 2021: The Maharashtra state government has approved to start classes VIII to XII in the Covid-19 infection-free areas of the state. The gram panchayat, local governing bodies have to pass resolutions to start classes while the guidelines have been issued by the state government.


For the second year in a row, the new academic year started online due to the outbreak of Covid-19 infection. There has been a demand to start schools to prevent the educational loss of students after the decrease in the virus outbreak in the last few days.


The school education department has published the government decision and guidelines for starting schools. According to the notification, Gram Panchayats and local governing bodies in the infection-free zone have to pass a resolution and start classes VIII to XII in the first phase. The notification mentioned that Gram Panchayat should take a resolution after discussing it with the parents.


Guidelines issued by the state government

– It is mandatory for students, teachers, staff to use the mask while they are at school

– Continuous disinfection of school, classroom materials, facilities is mandatory

– Maximum 15-20 students in a class are allowed and each should have six feet distance in them

– Students should be called to the school on an alternative day, giving priority to certain subjects

– Classes in two sessions in schools with a high number of students

– A Covid-19 test is required and students with symptoms should be sent home

– Teachers should be accommodated in the same village or teachers should not use public transport

– Schools will need hygiene, disinfection facilities

– Antigen, RTPCR test is mandatory for teachers and staff

– Classes preferably in open space

– Preferably parents should drop off students at school in their vehicle

– Vigilance of safe distance between drivers and carriers by themselves and their students

– Strict restrictions on the organization of events, gatherings, sports to avoid crowding of students

– Parents should not send students to school if a family member has Covid-19 symptoms

Contradictions in notification

According to a government circular, statistics and expert opinion say that children under the age of 10 are the least likely to be infected with Covid-19, and children up to the age of 18 are less likely to be infected at present. However, since no decision has been made to start pre-primary classes, there is a contradiction in the government’s decision.

Attendance is not mandatory

Students’ attendance at school is not mandatory, it depends on the consent of the parents. The government has also clarified that full attendance awards should be discontinued.

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