Maharashtra: Electricity Price Hike Hits Consumers As MSEDCL Implements Tariff Increase

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Sumit Singh & Tikam Shekhawat

Pune, 1st April 2024: While the state government’s decision not to increase the ready reckoner rates offers some relief, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) has dealt a blow to consumers with a significant electricity price hike.

Effective from April 1, 2024, consumers will face an average increase of 7.50 percent in their electricity bills, accompanied by a 10 percent rise in the fixed rate. This tariff adjustment, mandated by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission, comes as a consequence of MSEDCL’s approved petition for a tariff hike submitted last year.

The State Electricity Regulatory Commission sanctioned the tariff hike request put forth by MSEDCL, leading to widespread concerns among power consumers’ associations. They contend that the approved hike amounts to an average increase of 21.65 percent. Notably, electricity bills saw a rise of 7.25 percent in the previous fiscal year (2023-24) and are now witnessing a further 7.50 percent increase in the ongoing financial year (2024-25). Additionally, fixed charges have surged by 10 percent each year. These adjustments will impact all consumer categories, including households, traders, farmers, and industries.

With the state experiencing soaring temperatures, electricity consumption has surged significantly. This tariff hike announcement adds to the financial burden faced by consumers during this period of heightened demand.

Comparatively, electricity rates in Maharashtra remain notably higher than those in other states across the country. While several states have waived off electricity bills for consumption up to 100 units, Maharashtra continues to witness regular tariff hikes, eliciting dismay among citizens.

Activist Vivek Velankar, president of the Sajag Nagrik Manch, highlights the growing discontent among common citizens, who are left shocked by the continuous rate hikes despite the prevailing economic challenges.