Maharashtra: Soon 75,000 rapid tests for Coronavirus COVID19 in State

Mumbai, April 20, 2020: The current count of COVID19 patients in the state of Maharashtra is 4666. Today newly 466 patients have been identified as positive for Covid19. From these, 572 Covid19 patients have been cured and discharged from the respective hospitals.
Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said, “We will do 75000 rapid tests soon as the central government has given us conditional permission for it. We have also decided to use hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a precautionary measure in some areas, like Dharavi in Mumbai. We will take care that people with cardiac issues and those above 65 years & below 15 years of age are not given hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) tablets.”
There were nine COVID-related deaths in the state today. Out of these, 7 deaths were recorded in Mumbai and 2 in Malegaon. Out of the 9 deaths today, 6 were men and 3 women. 5 of them aged over 60 years, 1 was from the age group 40 to 60 years and 1 was under 40 years of age. Information on co-morbidities in the 2 patients who died in Malegaon is not received yet. 5 out of the rest 7 patients (71%) had high-risk co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma and heart disease. Death toll in COVID-19 patients has now gone up to 232 in the state. (Pune death of a woman not included as information came late)
Lab testing details: Out of 76,092 laboratory samples, 71,611 were negative and 4666 have been tested positive for coronavirus until today. On analyzing 2336 cases in the state, 1890 patients (81%) had no symptoms, 393 (17%) patients. were symptomatic. 53 out of these (2%) are admitted in ICU.
Containment Plan: As per the guidance from the Government of India, cluster containment action plan is being implemented in places where clusters of patients have been found in the state. There are 364 active containment zones in the state currently. Total 5648 surveillance squads worked today across the state and surveillance of 21.85 lakh population was done.
Other important notes: 572 patients have been discharged till date after full recovery. Currently, 93,655 people are in home quarantine and 6,879 people are in institutional quarantine.
State Corona Control Room: 020-26127394; Toll-free helpline: 104