Bags 3 Gold medals and 14 other ranks
Bangalore, January 15, 2018: Once again the students of MVJ College of Engineering, ranked among the top engineering college in India have bagged 3 Gold medals and 14 other ranks in the VTU results for the year 2017. The 3 students who have secured 1st rank in the university are Joyce Mathew, B. E., Department of Medical Electronics. Nagaraj Naik B G, M. Tech, Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Nandikeshwar Sulegoan, M. Tech (Transportation and Engineering). There were 14 other students who were among the top 10 rank holders.
All the 17 students were honoured with a certificate and a souvenir in recognition of their exemplary academic excellence at a award ceremony presided by Dr. V. Bhujanga Rao, a distinguished scientist, ISRO Chair-Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISC campus Bangalore, and Director General (Naval Systems and Materials) DRDO (Ministry of Defence) New Delhi.
On this occasion, MVJCE chairman Mr. M. J. Balachandar announced that the rank holder students in the VTU board examination results will be receiving a cash prize of Rs. 1 Lakh, for each of the UG course and Rs. 50,000 for the M. Tech course on the founder’s day, which has been the regular practise over the years.
Dr. N Gunasekaran, Principal MVJCE said“I congratulate all the students who secured the rank leaving a benchmark to be achieved for the next batch. To achieve anything, not only the student- the faculty too has to come out of their comfort Zone, work with focus towards the achievement. The management has promoted the development of the students by providing them very good infrastructure and motivation through such laurels. The institution has consistently secured 4th place in UG program, 6th rank in PG VTU results”.