Patodia in third round at RCBC Handicap Snooker Tournament

Pune, November 20, 2022 : Jitesh Patodia scored a close win to move into the third round at RCBC Handicap Snooker Tournament wehich is being organized by Royal Connaught Boat Club, supported by Jitesh Patodia and played at RCBC club snooker hall
In a close match Jitesh Patodia scraped past Mit Karia 2-1(88-94, 98-53 78-28) in the second round played today .
Following are the results: First Round:
Ayaan Khan bt Naman Shah 2-1(55-65, 64-40, 75-53);
Jitesh Patodia bt Ramesh Shah 2-0(52-29, 52-23);
Second Round:
Kapil Punjabi bt Sameer Savla 2-0(105-66, 78-77);
Rishi Ramiaya bt Sarim Khan 2-0(52-46, 76-65);
Jitesh Patodia bt Mit Karia 2-1(88-94, 98-53 78-28).