Pune: Running Clubs Banned from Practicing on Taljai Hill by Forest Department

Taljai Hill
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Parvati, 30th May 2024: The forest department has banned running clubs from practicing on Taljai Hill following an altercation between a runner and a walker. The new rule, implemented a few days ago, is enforced by a forest guard who advises visitors against running on the hill.

“We received multiple complaints about running groups whose instructors charge money for practice sessions, blocking paths for other visitors. These groups should practice on running tracks instead of the hill. To prevent any untoward incidents, we have banned such groups from entering the area altogether,” said Range Forest Officer Pradip Sankpal.

Deputy Conservator of Forests Mahadev Mohite added, “Once volunteers are given some powers by the department, they can devise rules and regulations that benefit the hills. They will be able to take immediate action against those violating the rules.”