Seminar organized by Maritime Research Centre and Savitribai Phule  Pune  University

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August 25,

2018: While considering the country’s coastal area, different


related to it have to be considered. For this all the stake

holders in maritime sector have to come together to optimise their efforts, stated Dr. Subhash Bhamre, Minister of State (Defence Production) during ‘Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA) framework for SAGAR’ seminar held in the city.

This one-day seminar was organized by


e Maritime Research Centre (MRC), Pune in collaboration with the Savitribai Phule Pune University


. Bhamre was speaking at the inauguration of the seminar. Pradeep Rawat, Chairman, National Shipping board


Lt. Gen V G Khandare, Former Director General Defence Intelligence, Cmde Ranjan Vir (Retd), President I






, Prof. Nitin Karmalkar, Vice Chancellor, SPPU, Dr (Cdr) Arnab Das, Director MRC and Praful Talera, MRC Adviser (Blue Economy) were present at the event.

He expressed, “SAGAR vision i.e Security and growth for all in the region and Maritime capability is certainly the priority of the Government.

It acknowledges the security concerns that we face in the region, recognizes the tremendous economic potential and attempts to revive the rich maritime heritage we shared and rekindle the sense of pride in our rich culture and traditions. Government has

initiated multiple projects to build maritime infrastructure

UDA is aligned with the concept of SAGAR

. T
he participation of all the stake

holders in such a seminar


help take it to the next level


Both the keynote speakers at the workshop, Pradeep Rawat and Lt. Gen V G Khandare too shared the same opinion as Bhamare’s regarding giving up silo mentality and the stakeholders coming together to create better framework and policies. They also agreed that such seminars are important where all stakeholders have their say.

Rawat further stated, “The ambient noise created by maritime traffic has adverse effects on marine bio

diversity and eco system particularly mammals. We need to take thorough research on Indian ocean on this issue. I recently met some important people in the shipping sector, and I found out that modern-day shipments are less polluting and less noise generating. The shipping sector is moving in


right direction and it is necessary to accelerate it further.”