State Universities Must Conduct Exams On Lines of Mumbai University: Neelam Gorhe

neelam gorhe
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Mehab Qureshi

Pune, September 18, 2020: All universities in the state must conduct their final year examinations on the lines of Mumbai University,  Dr Neelam Gorhe, Deputy chairperson of the Legislative Council, addressing State Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant.

The State Universities have decided to conduct the final year examination in the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) format in the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, some autonomous universities have decided to conduct the exams against the lines of state universities. This could have an adverse effect on the students, and is also demoralising and confusing them.

Students have a habit of writing long and descriptive answers in the traditional way. Students are likely to be confused in the MCQ exam.”Online exam will be followed by the offline exam, question banks will also be provided beforehand. Also, students could suffer if some technical glitches occur while taking the online exam. Therefore I suggest that this option should be reconsidered,” said Gorhe.

She also suggested that all the exams need to be coordinated with the lines of Mumbai University. “Your departments should coordinate the exams,” said Gorhe to Sawant.