Based on the complaint from the 21-year-old woman, Pune city police have arrested the driver Navnath Shivaji Bhong (38). An FIR has been registered against him at Swargate police station.
According to the information given by the police, the victim was from Washim district and had come to Pune with her husband. The two were looking for a room to stay in Pune. As it was late at night, the accused asked the couple to sleep in bus. Since they were both new, they decided to sleep in the bus. Shortly afterwards, the woman’s husband went to the washroom.
After seeing her husband go to the washroom, accused Bhong suddenly started driving and abducted the woman. The woman was then taken to the sidewalk near Swargate bus station and raped. Then the bus took her to Katraj area and raped her on the sidewalk for the second time.
Meanwhile, the husband began a search and approached the police.