18 Crore Citizens Still Illiterate In The Country, New Program For Total Literacy

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Mumbai, 18th October 2022: It has come to light that 18 crore people are still illiterate in India. The central government has decided to make India literate in the next eight years. For this, the Navbharat Literacy Program will be implemented. The state government has decided to implement this program in the state.


The school education department of the state has issued a government order regarding the implementation of the Navbharat Literacy Program of the Central Government. It has given information about the state of literacy in the country. According to the 2011 census, the number of illiterates in the age group of 15 years and above was 25.76 crore. It included 9.08 crore males and 16.68 crore females.


Under the Literate India Program implemented between 2009-10 and 2017-18, 7.64 crore people were reported to have become literate. It means that 18.12 crore people are still illiterate in the country. Considering this state of illiteracy in the country, a goal of achieving hundred percent literacy by 2030 has been set. For this, Navbharat Literacy Program is being implemented from 2022-23 to 2026-27. It has been decided to implement this program in the state as per the instructions of the central government. Under this programme, basic literacy (reading, writing) and numeracy will be developed among illiterate persons in the age group of 15 years and above in the country. Along with this, financial literacy, legal, digital literacy, disaster management, health care, and family welfare have also been included.