4 Chief Justices And 6 Judges Of High Courts Transferred Today
No. |
Name of the Judge
S/Justice |
High Court | |
From | To | ||
1 | Raghvendra Singh Chauhan,
Chief Justice |
Telangana | Uttarakhand |
2 | Jitendra Kumar Maheshwari,
Chief Justice |
Andhra Pradesh | Sikkim |
3 | Mohammad Rafiq, Chief Justice | Orissa | Madhya Pradesh |
4 | Arup Kumar Goswami,
Chief Justice |
Sikkim | Andhra Pradesh |
5 | Sanjay Yadav, Judge | Madhya Pradesh | Allahabad |
6 | Rajesh Bindal, Judge | J&K and Ladakh | Calcutta |
7 | Vineet Kothari, Judge | Madras | Gujarat |
8 | JoymalyaBagchi, Judge | Calcutta | Andhra Pradesh |
9 | Satish Chandra Sharma, Judge | Madhya Pradesh | Karnataka |
10 | Ravi VijaykumarMalimath,Judge | Uttarakhand | Himachal Pradesh |
A notification has been issued by Department of Justice in this regard today. The transferred Chief Justices/ Judges have been directed to assume charges of their respective offices.
Brief profile of Judges/ Chief Justices is given below:
Justice Raghvendra Singh Chauhan, B.A., LL.B, was born on December 24, 1959, He was enrolled as an Advocate on November 13, 1983. He practiced in the Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench for 20 years in constitutional, criminal and service matters. His field of specialization is in criminal and service matters. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Rajasthan High Court on June 13, 2005 and as Permanent Judge on January 24.2008. He was transferred to Karnataka High Court on 1 0th March, 2015 and to Telangana and Andhra Pradesh High Court on 22nd November, 2018. He was appointed as Acting Chief Justice of Telangana High Court on 04th April, 2019 and as Chief Justice of Telangana High Court on 22nd June, 2019.
Justice Jitendra Kumar Maheshwari, B.A, LL.B, L.L.M was born on June 29, 1961. Enrolled as an Advocate in November 22, 1985 and practiced in Madhya Pradesh High Court Bench at Gwalior in Civil, Constitutional, Taxation, Labour, Company, Service and Criminal matters and specialized in Constitutional, Service and Taxation matters. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Madhya Pradesh High Court on November 25, 2005 and as a permanent Judge on November 25, 2008. He was appointed as Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court on 07th October, 2019.
Justice Mohammad Rafiq, M.Com., LL.B, was born on May 25, 1960. He was enrolled as an Advocate on July 8, 1984 and practiced in the Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur Bench in Constitutional, Civil, Service, Criminal, Land Acquisition, Arbitration, Company and Customs matters and specialized in Writs for Constitutional and Service matters. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Rajasthan High Court on May 15, 2006 and appointed as Permanent Judge on May 14,2008. He was appointed as Acting Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court on 23.09.2019. He was appointed as the Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court on 13.11.2019 and transferred to Orissa High Court on 27.04.2020.
Justice Arup Kumar Goswami, B.A (Hons.), LL.B was born on March 11, 1961 and was enrolled as an Advocate on 16.8.1985. He practiced in Gauhati High Court in Civil, Criminal, Constitutional and Service matters. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Gauhati High Court on January 24, 2011 and as Permanent Judge November 7, 2012. He was appointed as the Acting Chief Justice oftheGauhati on 24.05.2019. He was appointed as the Chief Justice, Sikkim High Court on 15.11.2019.
Justice Sanjay Yadav, M.A., LL.B was born on June 26, 1959 and was enrolled as an Advocate on 25.08.1986. He practiced at Jabalpur for 20 years in Civil, Constitutional, Labour and Service matters and has specialized in Labour and Service matters. He worked as Government Advocate from March 1999 to October 2005. He was Deputy Advocate General with effect from October 2005. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Madhya Pradesh High Court on March 2, 2007 and as Permanent Judge on January 15, 2010.
Justice Rajesh Bindal, B.Com.,LL.B was born on April 16, 1961. He was enrolled as an Advocate on September 14, 1985 and practiced in the Punjab and Haryana High Court and Central Administrative Tribunal, in Taxation, Constitutional, Civil and Service cases for the last 20 years. His field of specialization was Taxation matters. He worked as Standing Counsel for I.T Deptt., various Central and State Government organizations. He was appointed as a Permanent Judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court on March 22, 2006. He was transferred to Common High Court for Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union territory of Ladakh on 19.11.2018.He was appointed as Acting Chief Justice of Common High Court for Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union territory of Ladakh on 09.12.2020.
Justice Vineet Kothari, B.Com. (Hons.), LL.B., LL.M., was born on September 2, 1959. He was enrolled as an Advocate on September 7, 1984 and practiced in the Rajasthan High Court, Supreme Court and Gujarat High Court in Constitutional, Taxation and Company matters and specialized in Sales Tax, Income Tax & Excise Laws. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Rajasthan High Court on June 13, 2005 and as Permanent Judge on January 24, 2008. He was transferred to the Karnataka High Court on April 18, 2016 and to the Madras High Court on 23.11.2018.
Justice JoymalyaBagchi, LL.B. was born on October 3, 1966. He was enrolled as an Advocate on November 28, 1991. He practiced in the Calcutta High Court and also appeared before the Supreme Court of India and various High Courts in Civil, Criminal and Constitutional matters. His field of specialisation is Criminal Law. He was appointed as a Permanent Judge of the Calcutta High Court on June 27, 2011.
Justice Satish Chandra Sharma, B.Sc., LL.B., born on November 30, 1961 and was enrolled as an Advocate on 01.09.1984. He practiced at Madhya Pradesh High Court, Central and State Administrative Tribunals, in Constitutional, Civil, Service, Labour and Company matters and specialized in Constitutional and Service matters. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Madhya Pradesh High Court on January 18, 2008 and Permanent Judge on January 15, 2010.
Justice R.V. Malimath, B.Com., LL.B., was born on 25th May, 1962. He was enrolled as an Advocate on 28th January, 1987. He practiced for 20 years before the High Court of Karnataka, High Court of Madras and the Supreme Court of India in Civil, Criminal, Constitutional, Labour, Company, Service cases etc. and had specialised in Constitutional Law. He worked in Bangalore University, Bangalore and Kuvempu University, Shimoga. He was appointed as an Additional Judge of the Karnataka High Court on February 18, 2008 and Permanent Judge on February 17, 2010. He was transferred to Uttarakhand High Court on 05 March, 2020. He was appointed as Acting Chief Justice of Uttarakhand High Court with effect from 20 July, 2020.