CBSE Warns Schools: Final Deadline Issued for Mandatory Website Compliance

CBSE Headquarters in Delhi
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New Delhi, 9th January 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a stern reminder to all affiliated schools to ensure compliance with mandatory requirements related to the uploading of prescribed documents and staff details on their websites. The reminder comes in the form of Circular No. 01/2025, emphasizing that non-compliance will invite strict action as per the Affiliation Bye-Laws.

The circular references earlier directives where schools were instructed to develop functional websites and upload details of teaching staff, their qualifications, and other mandatory public disclosures as per the prescribed format under Appendix-IX of the Affiliation Bye-Laws, 2018.

Despite repeated instructions, CBSE noted that several schools have yet to fulfill these requirements. The circular highlighted common lapses, including:
Lack of functional school websites.

Partial or incomplete uploading of required documents.
Inactive links to the uploaded information.
Absence of prominently displayed links/icons on the homepage for easy access.

CBSE Secretary Himanshu Gupta, IAS, urged schools to treat this reminder with utmost seriousness. “This is the final opportunity for schools to align with the guidelines. Failure to comply will lead to necessary proceedings, including penalties, without any further reminders,” Gupta said.

To address these persistent issues, CBSE has granted schools a final 30-day window to comply with the guidelines outlined in the earlier circulars. The deadline for uploading all prescribed information and documents in a clear and unambiguous manner is February 7, 2025.

The circular further mandates that even schools that believe they have complied with the directives must revisit their websites to ensure the information is accurate, up-to-date, and prominently displayed. Any disparities must be rectified immediately.

“The prescribed disclosures are an essential part of promoting transparency and ensuring accountability in school administration,” Gupta added, emphasizing the importance of prominently displaying all relevant links and documents on school websites.

Failure to comply within the stipulated timeframe will result in penalties and necessary proceedings under Chapters 12 and 13 of the CBSE Affiliation Bye-Laws, 2018. This includes actions such as fines, warnings, and, in severe cases, withdrawal of affiliation.