Citizen should actively participate in tobacco-free school campaign : Social Justice Minister Rajkumar Badole
Mumbai, May30:- Tobacco and its smoke contains nicotine and other seven thousand toxic chemicals which can cause the killer disease cancer. The tobacco addict person is not himself the victim, but entire family has to suffer due to his addiction. The state government and Salaam Mumbai Foundation are jointly trying to make Maharashtra healthy. The citizens should participate in large number in the tobacco- free school campaign in Mumbai and entire state so that the next generation of the nation is healthy. This appeal was made by Social justice and special assistance Minister Rajkumar Badole.
He was speaking after the inauguration of a program organized today at the Trimurti lawns in Mantralaya on the occasion of world No-Tobacco day. He further said that the symbolic pen hookah is being distributed in the city in large number but the symbolic ‘pen hookah’ will be totally overpowered by the ‘educational pen’ and the pen will remain for education purpose only. The posters giving the messages related to health against tobacco use were also sported at the program spot. Similarly, the lung tests were performed on scores of people.
Speaking further Mr Badole said that it is applaudable that Salaam Mumbai Foundation is organizing the programs related to addiction free live on the occasion of No- Tobacco Day. He said that their campaign should be supported by all. He also said that the state government is taking efforts to ban the Hookah pen sold in the school premises and all the schools in the state are going to be made tobacco free adding that efforts are on by the state government in this direction. He also so wished best luck to Salaam Mumbai foundation for their further crusade.