Corona Virus Variants: How Many Variants Have Been Recorded So Far?

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Mumbai, 24 June 2021: Variants: After the second and most dangerous wave of coronavirus, the new variant of the virus has once again created panic among the citizens. A new variant of coronavirus was found in 11 countries including Delta Plus India. A total of 197 cases of the new variant has been recorded worldwide.

Why do variants increase?

Any virus resorts to some methods to maintain itself. One of these methods is to change its equation with the cells in the human body, while also trying to survive longer in the air. These viruses increase the virus load in some people so that the person spreads the virus through breathing, sneezing and coughing. Apart from this, viruses also bring changes in themselves during infection.

How many times has Corona changed its form?

Coronavirus, which was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in 2019, has changed form many times so far. A mutation is in the nature of every virus. It is not necessary that every variant will prove to be powerful and dangerous.

Alpha Variant 

The alpha variant of Covid-19 was first found in County Kent, England. Its scientific name is B.1.1.7., while WHO named the variant ‘alpha’. Alpha is 40%-80% more contagious than the basic strain of Corona, i.e. SARS-CoV-2. It was detected in November 2020, when samples were taken during the Covid-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom in September. It started spreading rapidly by mid-December, and the country saw an increase in SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Beta Variant

The beta variant of Covid-19 was first detected in South Africa in October 2020. Its scientific name is B.1.351, which WHO named ‘beta’.

Gamma Variant

The gamma variant of Covid-19 was first detected in Brazil in January 2021. Its scientific name is P.1, which WHO named ‘Gamma’. Gamma caused severe infections in the city of Manaus. The capital of Amazonas in early 2021, although the city had already experienced severe infections in May 2020.

Delta Variant

The delta variant of Covid-19 was first detected in India. Its scientific name is B.1.617.2, which WHO named Delta. Identified for the first time in India, the Delta variant has been recognized by WHO as a ‘Variant of Concern’. This is the same variant that created a ruckus in India recently. Apart from India, it has also spread rapidly in Britain.

Delta Plus Variant

The delta variant of the coronavirus called B.617.2 has also become a mutant and transformed into Delta Pls or AY.1. It has been found not only in India but in many countries of the world, due to which the concern of medical experts is increasing.