Neetta Deulkar’s Inspirational Fight Against Breast Cancer – A Story of Triumph

Neetta Deulkar's Inspirational Fight Against Breast Cancer - A Story of Triumph
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Amit Singh

Pune, 15th September 2023 : Neetta Deulkar’s journey through the labyrinth of breast cancer is nothing short of inspirational. In an insightful interview, she shares her personal odyssey, filled with determination, unwavering support, and an unshakable spirit that carried her from diagnosis to triumph.


*The Beginning of the Battle*


When Neetta received the suggestion for a biopsy, her initial confidence in good health was put to the test. She recalls, “I was very confident that I wouldn’t have breast cancer because I have always been a health-conscious person.” Nevertheless, she underwent the biopsy, and the results revealed the first stage of cancer. Neetta’s initial shock and disbelief were natural reactions. However, her resilience quickly surfaced, allowing her to accept the facts and contemplate the necessary steps forward.


*The Role of Support Systems*


Neetta’s support system played a vital role throughout her battle with breast cancer. Her son stood beside her, providing both moral support and handling essential formalities. Siblings, nieces, and nephews offered moral support and lightened the atmosphere with humor during trying times. Friends, although restricted to phone calls due to the pandemic, filled her with prayers and well-wishes. Neetta’s acceptance of her situation bolstered her friends’ faith in her strength.


*Moments of Hope and Resilience*


Neetta’s journey is marked by moments of hope and resilience. She recalls her younger brother’s battle with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1994-95, where Ayurvedic treatments played a crucial role in his recovery. Witnessing his successful journey instilled hope and confidence in Neetta when facing her own cancer. It was a reminder that alternative therapies and faith can sometimes work wonders.


Strategies For Coping 

Managing physical and emotional well-being during cancer treatment is challenging. For Neetta, her longstanding practice of yoga and involvement in the Art of Living provided a strong foundation. She found strength through faith in God, chanting, and meditation, which helped her cope with the physical and emotional challenges she encountered.


*Navigating the Treatment Process*


Neetta emphasizes the importance of regular self-check-ups and annual medical check-ups. She had been diligently getting mammograms for the past 15 years, but the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted her routine, leading to the detection of her cancer. Recognizing the hardness in her breast, she promptly scheduled a check-up, enabling early detection. The localized cancer required a quick and relatively minor operation, followed by radiation therapy. Neetta also supplemented her treatment with Ayurvedic therapies to mitigate side effects and reduce the chances of recurrence.


*Advice for Those Newly Diagnosed*


Neetta offers sage advice to those recently diagnosed with breast cancer: accept the reality, maintain a positive attitude, and avoid stress. She underscores that acceptance is the first step toward gaining strength to face the battle ahead. Daily positive affirmations and trust in God are her guiding principles.


*The Mental and Emotional Battle*


Breast cancer is not just a physical battle but a mental and emotional one too. Neetta’s acceptance of her diagnosis and her faith in both modern medicine and alternative therapies provided the mental strength needed to navigate the emotional aspects of her journey.


*The Importance of Breast Health Awareness*


Neetta’s personal experience reinforces the significance of breast health awareness and early detection. She strongly encourages regular self-checks, annual mammograms, and sonomammography to catch breast cancer in its early stages, ultimately leading to better outcomes.


*A Message of Hope*


In closing, Neetta offers a message of hope: “Don’t worry about the name ‘cancer.’ It is curable. Never lose hope. Have faith, face it, and if detected early, the battle becomes easier.”


*A New Perspective on Life*


Neetta’s journey as a breast cancer survivor has reshaped her perspective on life. She now focuses on managing stress, living in the present, and nurturing her health and happiness. Her experience has led her to a newfound appreciation for the value of life and well-being.


*About Neetta Deulkar*


Neetta Deulkar, aged 59 and residing in Pune, is a career-oriented individual who has made significant strides in the field of engineering. As a single mother for the past 20 years, she has raised her son to be independent, educated, and well-mannered. Neetta is a health-conscious person who practices yoga and is also a certified yoga teacher. Her future aspirations include using her knowledge of yoga and yogic practices to benefit society as she transitions from her career.


Neetta Deulkar’s journey through breast cancer exemplifies the strength of the human spirit, the importance of support systems, and the power of positivity. Her story serves