Now a digital font of PuLa’s handwriting

Pune, June 11: City-based digital media agency ‘Be Birbal’ have developed a digital font of PuLa’s handwriting which will be formally unveiled on June 12th – the death anniversary of Purushottam Laxman Deshpande. PL Deshpande was one of the greatest multifaceted personalities that Maharashtra has ever had. The font, titled PuLa100, is a digital replica of the legendary author’s handwriting and will let its patrons experience what they write in the penmanship of their favourite humorist.
Commenting on the development of this digital font Gandhaar Sangoram, Founder and Director of Be Birbal, said, “The idea to pay a tribute to this legendary author by developing a digital font of his handwriting was conceived in his birth centenary year. Therefore the name – PuLa100. With a meticulous effort of about one and a half years today we are happy to see it become a reality.”
”Considering the huge following of PuLa all across the world, creating a digital font of his handwriting was a task loaded with responsibility. The basic challenge was to capture the essence of his writing in the font. The process started as an in-house exercise with data sampling of the letters written by PL Deshpande, which were procured from IUCAA. Subsequently, a font expert was brought on board to realise this dream”, he added.
“PL Deshpande’s handwriting had a flow which was derived from the speed of his thought and every curve of every letter is a visual testament to a hand trying to keep up with the mind. To take the physicality and tangibility of something as personal as someone’s handwriting, and making it digital and to immortalize the essence of that person, is our biggest achievement so far. Dinesh Thakur, Jyoti Thakur, and Niranjan Abhyankar from IUCAA along with Kimya Gandhi contributed in this process of font development”, Gandhaar concluded.