Pune, 21st April 2024: Providing hydration for wildlife in the Dhanori, Lohegaon, and Wadgaon Shinde regions is now a reality, thanks to a thoughtful endeavour led by the Pune Division of the Maharashtra Forest Department. With temperatures soaring across Maharashtra, including Pune, drinking water is crucial for humans and the diverse wildlife population.
Recognising the risks wild animals face when venturing into urban areas in search of water, the Pune Forest Division has established three ponds, each holding approximately 25,000 litres of water. These ponds, strategically located in Lohegaon, Dhanori, and Wadgaon Shinde, are designed to accommodate animals of all sizes, ensuring accessibility to every creature in need.
Forest Officer Anil Rathod told Punekar News, “Under the expert guidance of our Range Forest Officer, Suresh Varak, we’ve initiated this crucial initiative. Recognising the challenges faced by wild animals during summers, we’ve taken proactive steps. Our ongoing initiative involves consistently refilling water ponds, each having around 20-25 thousand litres capacity. By providing accessible water sources, we aim to prevent animals from venturing into urban areas for hydration.”