Pune Railways Cracks Down on Ticketless Travelers, Collects Over Rs. 24 Crore in Fines

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Pune, 4th April 2023: In March, more than 21,000 people were fined by Pune Railways for travelling without tickets. During ticket inspections, 21,756 people were found to be travelling without tickets and were fined a total of 17,223,000 rupees. In addition, more than 7,050 people were fined over 4 million rupees for travelling irregularly, while 215 people were fined 23,000 rupees for carrying goods without booking. In the 12 months from April to March of this year, a total of 34,1180 cases resulted in fines of over 246.5 million rupees.


This action was taken under the guidance of Pune Division Railway Manager Indu Dubey, and coordinated by Deputy General Manager Brijesh Kumar Singh, Senior Divisional Commercial Manager Dr. Milind Hirve, and Divisional Commercial Manager Dr. Ramdas Bhise. Ticket inspections are regularly conducted by the railway administration, and passengers are urged to travel with proper tickets. Failure to do so can result in fines under the Railways Act, and even imprisonment for non-payment.