Pune: Raj Singh and Ajay Rawal: Indian Veterans Set to Shine at the Asia Pacific Games

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Pune, 26th June 2024: In a celebration of lifelong dedication and unwavering passion for sports, two exceptional athletes from Pune, Maharashtra, Raj Singh and Ajay Rawal, have earned a coveted spot in the upcoming Asia Pacific Games for South Korea. These seasoned veterans will be representing India in the senior division of the mini Olympics, Jeonbuk, 2023 JB APMG Games, which are scheduled to take place from May 12th to May 30th. This remarkable achievement is a testament to their enduring commitment to their respective sport and serves as an inspiration to athletes of all ages.

Raj Singh: A Badminton Maestro:

Raj Singh, hailing from Pune, Maharashtra, has been a stalwart of the badminton court for an impressive 48 years. With his unparalleled skills and unwavering determination, Raj has cemented his name as a force to be reckoned with in the sport. Throughout his illustrious career, Raj has garnered numerous accolades and has been a consistent source of pride for the Indian badminton community.

Having dedicated nearly five decades to badminton, Raj Singh’s selection for the Asia Pacific Games is a fitting recognition of his unwavering commitment and exceptional talent. His passion for the sport has never waned, and his journey to the international stage is a culmination of years of hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance.

Ajay Rawal: A Remarkable Journey:

Joining Raj Singh on this remarkable journey is Ajay Rawal, another talented athlete from Pune, Maharashtra. While the details of Ajay’s sporting career are yet to be unveiled, his selection for the Asia Pacific Games is a testament to his skill, dedication, and determination to excel in his chosen discipline.

Both Raj Singh and Ajay Rawal embody the true spirit of sportsmanship, representing the values of perseverance, resilience, and passion. Their selection for the Asia Pacific Games is a well-deserved opportunity to showcase their talents on an international stage and inspire others to pursue their dreams, regardless of age or any perceived limitations.

The Asia Pacific Games: A Platform for Excellence:

The Asia Pacific Games provide a platform for veterans from various countries across the region to come together and compete in a spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship. With a focus on promoting physical fitness, well-being, and fostering lifelong friendships, these games are a celebration of the enduring spirit of athleticism.

As Raj Singh and Ajay Rawal prepare to don the Indian colors and represent their nation at the Asia Pacific Games, they carry with them the hopes and dreams of a nation. Their participation serves as a reminder that age is merely a number and that true passion and dedication know no boundaries. They will undoubtedly serve as an inspiration for fellow athletes and sports enthusiasts alike.


The selection of Raj Singh and Ajay Rawal, two exemplary athletes from Pune, Maharashtra, for the Asia Pacific Games is a testament to their indomitable spirit, unwavering dedication, and exceptional skill. Their presence in the senior veterans division of the mini Olympics in Jeonbuk is a source of immense pride for India.

As these athletes gear up to compete against the finest veterans from across the Asia Pacific region, they embody the essence of sportsmanship and inspire us to strive for greatness. Their journey stands as a shining example that age is no barrier to pursuing one’s passion and achieving remarkable feats.

Let us rally behind Raj Singh and Ajay Rawal as they embark on this extraordinary adventure, and may their performances at the Asia Pacific Games leave an indelible mark in the annals of Indian sports history.