Pune Rural Police Book Constable and Sons After Video of Firing Goes Viral
Pune, 19th August 2024: The Pune Rural Police have filed charges against a police constable and his two sons after a three-year-old video showing one of the sons firing a licensed pistol surfaced on social media. The incident, which took place between July and August 2021, has led to the trio being accused of endangering the lives or personal safety of others, according to the police.
Assistant Inspector Vikram Salunkhe of the Walchandnagar police explained the circumstances surrounding the event: “The incident occurred in Kalas village near the house of the constable’s in-laws. The younger son of the constable took his father’s licensed pistol and fired several shots into the air. His older brother recorded the act on video. The younger son initially uploaded the clip to his social media account but later deleted it.”
Despite the video being deleted, it reappeared on social media three years later, prompting the police to investigate. “We managed to trace the constable and his two sons to Wakad,” Salunkhe stated.
The constable and his sons have now been booked under Section 336 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) as well as relevant sections of the Indian Arms Act.