Pune University Students Report Online Examination Failure, Administration Responds
Mehab Qureshi
Pune, October 13, 2020: Pupils giving final year examinations at Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) have reported technical difficulties on the second day of examination as well.
Several students have complained about issues of Marathi questions being displayed for English opted students. While many others reported blank questions and answers. “Many students have encountered problems with the login, the system has shown wrong credentials, redirected to someone else’s exam”, said Kamalakar Shete, founder of the SPPU Student wing union.
For a few courses, students have also reported for the delay in online examination today. Shubham Agarkar, a student of TY BCS, took it to twitter, “Its 4:30 now but the paper has not been started yet”.
Diagrams were not displayed complained final year engineering students. “Today was supposed to be an electronics paper, but the questions were of mathematics”, said Sagar Gangurde, a final year student.
Another student of BSc Computer science said, “Yesterday both online mathematics examinations had 20-25 questions blank? What are we supposed to do, this is complete havoc”.
Seeking answers with the administration of SPPU, students have raised questions on social media also.
When contacted, Mahesh Kakade, Director of Examination and Evaluation SPPU, said, “Yes, we have received such problems today. We want to assure students that they will be allowed to give reexamination”.
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