About 625 km of work will cost around Rs 53,000 crore. Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari informed that the Maharashtra Government will be requested to waive GST and royalty for this.
Gadkari gave this information in a press conference in Pune. New projects are going to be done in Maharashtra in the future. The capacity of rail transport and road transport at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) has been exhausted. So now alternative ways have to be found.
Direct two-lane railway should be started from Daund, Baramati to JNPT. This train will not go to Mumbai, Thane, so the traffic there can be reduced. The meeting with the Railway Minister will be fixed for the same. This proposal has not yet been approved.
Pune-Bangalore’s new highway is going to be made, for which land acquisition work has started. As this section will pass through the drought-affected areas of western Maharashtra, the citizens will get benefit from it.
A flyover will be constructed after Virar to connect the Delhi-Mumbai corridor. Rs One lakh crore will be spent on it. Projects worth Rs 53,000 crore will be done in the Pune district and western Maharashtra.
In this, projects like Nashik Phata Khed Elevated Corridor, Pune Shirur Corridor, Talegaon Chakan Elevated Corridor, Diveghat Hadapsar Route, Pune Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Expressway, and Pune Bangalore Expressway are involved.
Nitin Gadkari said, “Big projects are going to be done in Maharashtra in the future. As its cost is high, the state government has requested to waive GST and royalty. Also, it is seen that the service of the contractor’s ambulances on the highways is not good, ambulances must be reaching the spot of the accident on time hence, a contract is being made with 108 helpline.”
Proposed projects in Pune district:
Project – Distance (km) – Cost (in Crores)
Nashik Phata Khed Elevated Corridor – 29 – 8841
Pune Shirur Corridor – 57 – 10000
Talegaon Chakan Elevated Corridor – 54 – 11000
Diveghat Hadapsar Route – 23 – 823