Rotary Poona North presented” Women Entrepreneur Awards “

8 March 2019, Pune- Rotary Club of Poona North honoured two women entrepreneurs Kanchan Dangre founder and child care consultant and Madhvi Lahiri, Managing Director of Technomech, a precision Metal forming company by “women Entrepreneur Award 2019 “in a special programme held at Kargil Hall Khadki today.
Club president Neena Raysoni (president), Sonika Shah President of Brand & image studio, Lata Kerkar, Kuldeep Joshi, Arvind Surange (Ex. president) Kshma Ganguli and large number of Rotary members were present on this occasion.
Neena Raysoni welcomed the guests and briefed the background of Rotary’s women Entrepreneur Award. The awards were given as recognition of their valuable work in their field.
Kanchan Dangre explained her activates particularly for the children of working ladies to provide pre-Primary, child care, activities and Toddlers club under one roof for their total growth and personality development. She is providing these services since 15 years through five centres. God gifted talent or huge capital is not required to become superwomen. But self confidence, will power and update knowledge is necessary. Decision priority, Work delegation and time management is necessary for achieving the happy life.
Madhavi Lahiri an Instrument Engineer and MBA entered in to new field of precision metal forming after getting knowledge, skill and experience. She is manufacturing micro spare parts for different type of Engineering parts required for different type of engineering applications. She shared her experiences in this field.
Sonika Shah highly appreciated the Rotaries work and the idea behind the Award. She said Image building helps to increase the identity. Personality development helps to increase the identity of the person. It helps in business, service, sports and day to day life etc and makes life happier.
Lata Kerkar compared the programme and proposed the vote of thanks.