Vigilance Team of Central Railway in its Special Drive detects 323 irregular passengers & recovers 1.71 lakh as fine

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Mumbai, 17 Aug 2021: The Vigilance team of Central Railway along with ticket checking staff of Solapur division conducted joint train check to curb unauthorised travel, which causes inconvenience to Bonafide passengers.
These checks were conducted in train no. 05030 and 06528 on 14.8.2021 between Ahmednagar to Kopargaon section and Kopargaon to Ahmednagar section of Solapur division. During the check,  while checking all General and Sleeper coach passengers thoroughly for valid travelling authority, 323 passengers were found travelling without ticket and one passenger was found with unbooked luggage. Overall total 324 cases detected and Rs 1,71,060 recovered as fine from the irregular passengers.
In this year from January to till date detailed 12 such checks have been conducted and Rs  6,44,790  recovered as fine from the irregular passengers. More such joint checks shall be conducted to curb irregular travel and will also ensure comfortable travel for the Bonafide passengers.