Women in Transnational Cinema | Festival 15th – 17th March 2019 | Free & Open to all

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6 May 2019, Pune : National Film Archive of India and TIFA Working Studios are hosting a festival to celebrate Women in Transnational Cinema on the 15th March 2019 in Pune, India. The festival sheds light on underrepresented moving image history – and wants to initiate a revision of the established film canon. It doesn ́t only want to highlight the work of female film artists as directors and actors, but also as cinematographers, composers, editors, costume designers and so forth. A focal point will be on film form and aesthetics which are created around gender representation, womanhood and girlhood. The festival pursues to create a dialogue between national cinemas throughout film history.
4pm onwards | 15th March, Friday at National Film Archives of India
4pm Opening
4.15pm Film screening | Achhut Kannya (Franz Osten, 1936) | 2hr 22min
The second film by Devika Ranis and Himanshu Rays production house Bombay
Talkies. The company was the starting point for the composer Saraswati Devi and
was in its beginning characterized through its cooperation with European
technicians. The melodrama enfolds around Kasturi (Devika Rani) a dalit woman
whose childhood love with Pratap (Ashok Kumar) is doomed due to her origins.
Break 6.30pm
6.45pm Film screening | Subarnarekha (Ritwik Ghatak, 1965) | 2hr 40min
Starring Madhabi Mukherjee as Sita, the third part of Ritwik Ghatak’s trilogy takes us
back into the aftermath of the partition and its socio-economic implications. The
play with shadows, exceptional camera angles and the interaction with the
landscape are framing the melodrama aesthetically and reflect the inner of the