LED bulbs distributed under government scheme meet all quality standards, asserts EESL

The Energy Efficiency Services Ltd, which has been engaged in the massive distribution of LED lights as part of an energy conservation drive, has asserted that the bulbs distributed by it in Maharashtra meet the luminance standards prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards. EESL has strongly refuted media reports that the 7 watt bulbs distributed by it in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra were of lower brightness and therefore inefficient.
In a letter addressed to the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co Ltd, MSDEL, the EESL has clarified that it has got the bulb samples from Jalgaon examined at the National Accreditation Board for Testing recognized laboratory and it was found that the bulbs met the required luminous flux.
EESL elaborated that “as per the BIS prescribed standards, the initial lamb power of a 7w LED bulb would not exceed 8.05 w (15% more than the rated power) and luminous flux of the bulbs shall not be less than 540 lumens”
EESL said the average value of 7W LED bulbs supplied in Maharashtra ranged from 583 -603 Lm and therefore met all the technical requirements. It further said that while the BIS prescribed testing is conducted under controlled conditions, using Integrating Sphere System and Goniophotometer, the testing method used by the Marathwada Institute of Technology was Lux Meter. “Since the measurement of luminance flux was carried out in an open atmosphere, the end results could have been incorrect.”
EESL claimed that the testing methodology adopted by it for measuring various performance parameters of the bulbs distributed by it was being constantly monitored in NABL accredited testing centres and laboratories.
EESL has played a major role in bringing down the cost of LED bulb from over Rs 300 to under Rs 70, reaping benefits of economies of scale. More than 5 crore LED bulbs have been distributed so far under Centre’s ambitious Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme. In Maharashtra, MSDEL has set a target of distributing one crore LED bulbs across the state.