Muslim Leader to stay meatless on Nov 25 which is International Meatless Day
Pune : DR. IMAM UMER AHMED ILYASI, CHIEF IMAM, ALL INDIA IMAM ORGANIZATION will grace Sadhu Vaswani’s Birthday tomorrow, 25th Nov. at the global headquarters of Sadhu Vaswani Mission PUNE. Coming especially for the occasion, he will give his words of blessings and will join the Mission & participants worldwide on being vegetarian on the day.
25th of November is observed as an International Meatless Day on the birth anniversary of the great saint Sadhu Vaswani.
Program Highlights:
11.30AM – Satsang, Seva & Dada langar
6.30PM – Satsang followed by Rev. Sadhu Vaswani’s & Dada JP Vaswani’s Upadesh
10.30PM to 12 Midnight – Vigil Satsang