Plantation for four legged Friends

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PUNE,: Rains and Sunday morning sleep couldn’t stop young Shapers and volunteers from making plantation drive at BlueCross a huge success. Global Shapers Pune successfully planted 60+ trees to help Animals at Blue Cross Mundwa. It is an Animal Shelter home that works toward the humane treatment of all animals. In summers, the tin sheds covering the campus gets very hot and less vegetation around that area makes high temperature unbearable for ill animals being treated there. We decided to plant tree to make the area shadier and help these animals at hospital have a sigh of relief. It will also help humans around with oxygen and greenery.  40+ volunteers from Improve My City, Sath Sath, Mitti Ke Rang, RotractClub Kalyani Nagar., Nivetha & Swachh Pune-Swachh Bharat supported this plantation drive and have put huge efforts in digging pits and planting.

The early risers of Swachh Pune-Swachh Bharat team were the first team to reach the venue. It’s commendable of  IMC team to travel all the way from Pimpri to Mundawa. Youths from Nivetha and Rotract restored our faith in new generations, who are caring for environment and our four legged friends.

“Our motive to connect these youths to Blue cross and it was well served. A three leg dog called Trishul stole our heats and impressive to see him be part of our group photos and selfies.”, Shaper Devendra.

We planted native spices which included Neem, Banyan, Coconut, Ritha, Silver oak & Devdor saplings. We urged volunteers to visit this place quarterly to see progress of plants and meet special friends at BlueCross. Our next big event is on 2nd Oct– Pedestrian Day (An initiative of GSC Pune)

The Global Shapers Community is an initiative of the World Economic Forum – an independent, not-for-profit international organization – to engage young people and help bring fresh ideas and innovative, entrepreneurial solutions to some of the most pressing global challenges.