Pune University May Conduct Re-examination In November

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Pune, October 24, 2020: The students who could not appear for the paper due to technical problems at the end of the Pune University, for such students Savitribai Phule Pune University will conduct a re-examination in first week of November.

According to varsity officers, the students who faced problems like poor translation of the question papers, visibility problems regarding the questions, optional answers, font, sudden discontinuation of the examination, login problems, issues in submitting the papers etc. This has created fear among the students regarding clearing the examinations. Acting upon these issues, varsity had issued Google forms and directed the students to register their issues.

A committee too has been set-up to look into the matter. University has received over 13,000 complaints. These re-examination will be held between November 1 to 5, said the officials adding that the schedule for this examination will soon be declared.

Varsity to consider examination valid
Students who have solved the paper over 50 minutes or 75% of the paper but could not complete it due to technical problem, the varsity has said that it will consider them and they do not have to give the re-examination.

On Friday the online examination went on smoothly. 72,394 students gave online examination while 18,724 gave offline examination.


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