Personal information under RTI Act
The Department of Personnel and Training have been impressing upon the public authorities to disclose maximum information proactively, so that public at large need not file RTI applications to seek information held by the public authorities.
In this regard, it was brought to the notice of the public authorities from time to time that they may not disclose personal information of an individual as it does not serve any public interest.
Some of the stakeholders have objected to disclosure of personal information as it would put the lives of the information seekers at risk.
Based on directions from High Court of Kolkata in the matter of Shri Avishek Goenka Vs UOI and in the interest of stakeholders, the DOPT is inviting comments from the stakeholders on draft OM within 15 days. These comments may be sent to Shri R.K. Girdhar, US (RTI) through e-mail only at [email protected].