New Delhi: How To Win Over Corona? Former PM Manmohan Singh Gives 5 Suggestions To PM Modi

Narendra Modi
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Aayushi Shandilya

New Delhi, 18 April 2021: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi amid the outcry over the Corona infection in the country and suggested speed up vaccination. Referring to the devastation caused by Corona, the former PM has given five suggestions regarding vaccination. It also states that immunization should also be given to those below 45 years of age.


Former PM Manmohan Singh has said that vaccination is important to control the epidemic. He has also said that seeing how many people have got vaccinated, we should focus on how many percent of the population has got vaccinated.


Singh said that first of all, the government should tell about how the vaccine orders will be distributed among the states for the next six months. “The government should tell how many orders have been placed to different vaccine producers, who have promised delivery in the next six months. If we want to vaccinate the target number of people, then we should place sufficient orders in advance so that the producers can deliver on time”, he said.


In another piece of advice, the former PM said, “The government should explain how these potential vaccines will be distributed among the states on the basis of a transparent formula. The central government can keep 10 per cent for emergency needs, but the rest of the states should get a clear signal so that they can plan vaccination that way. ”


In the third advisory, the former PM has said that states should be allowed to decide the category of frontline workers who can be vaccinated despite being less than 45-years of age. For example, the state would like to vaccinate school teachers, buses, three-wheelers and taxi drivers, municipal and panchayat personnel and lawyers. They can be vaccinated despite being less than 45 years old.


The former PM also said that India has emerged as the largest vaccine producer in the last few decades. He added, “Most of the capacity is in the private sector. In the current state of emergency for public health, the Government of India should help the vaccine producers, so that they can rapidly expand the manufacturing capacity.”


He advised providing funds and exemptions to the companies.

Former PM Manmohan Singh also said that domestic suppliers of the vaccine are limited, so any vaccines that have been approved by the European Medical Agency or USFDA should be approved for import into the country. He said that they should be approved for this without trial in the country. He said that this exemption is justified in case of an emergency.